
隐私 & 使用条款

College of Saint Mary is committed to protecting the privacy of all users and to being a trusted source of 信息.


靠谱赌球平台推荐的网站可能包含到其他网站的链接. College of Saint Mary exercises no authority over third-party sites that users may link to from our site; each of these sites maintains its own independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures. College of Saint Mary assumes no responsibility or liability for these independent methods or actions and is not responsible for the policies or procedures of destination sites. Nor does College of Saint Mary assume responsibility for the privacy policies or procedures of any site that links users to the College of Saint Mary site. We encourage users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable 信息.


College of Saint Mary is the sole owner of 信息 collected through the College of Saint Mary website. We do not collect any personally identifiable 信息 unless users voluntarily supply it as part of a request for service or 信息. 该信息仅用于实现所请求的活动. We do not 分享 personally identifiable 信息 collected through our site with any third parties without the specific consent of the user except as provided below.


像大多数网站一样, we analyze log files to help us improve our site and make it more useful to patients, 他们的家人和公众. 这些日志文件提供有关访问者如何使用我们网站的汇总数据. 它们帮助我们追踪诸如网络流量的来源之类的东西, the types of Internet browsers and Internet service providers our visitors use, 以及用户如何浏览我们的网站. We do not use these log files to collect 信息 about the specific identity of any visitor to our website.


A "cookie" is a small file that a website transfers to the user's hard drive. 这些cookie可以是“持久的”(即, they are retained on the user's hard drive from visit to visit) or "session-based" (that is, 它们只在访问网站的过程中持续). 在很大程度上, the College of Saint Mary website uses only session-based cookies to streamline a visitor's use of the site during a particular visit and to make it easier for visitors to take advantage of dynamic features of the site. 一旦用户关闭浏览器窗口,这些cookie就会过期. We do not use cookies to keep track of personal 信息 about website users.


College of Saint Mary web sites provide opportunities for web users to communicate with the website administrator and other College of Saint Mary personnel via email or various forms through which users may request 信息 or supply feedback. Users should be aware that these forms are not encrypted unless otherwise noted and that normal e-mail is not encrypted. Users who ask questions via email or any comment form supplied on our site are authorizing us to respond with an unencrypted email message that may contain private 信息. 除了, we may require telephone numbers or return addresses so that we can supply the requested 信息 or service. Because it is possible for unauthorized individuals to intercept emails with College of Saint Mary, visitors to the site should exercise caution when sharing any personally identifiable 信息 through email. We are responsible for the privacy of messages that we store on the network. 我们不是, 然而, responsible for the privacy of those messages once we have transmitted them to the user or the user's email provider, nor are we responsible for the privacy of messages while they are in transit from the user to our site.


靠谱赌球平台推荐的网站上有一些安全的表格. These are generally indicated by the letters "HTTPS" in the URL of the page in question. 在这些情况下, 防止未经授权的访问, 维护数据的准确性,确保信息的正确使用, 我们已经采取了适当的物理措施, electronic and administrative procedures to safeguard and secure the 信息 we collect online, consistent with College of Saint Mary policies along with state and federal laws and regulations. The personally identifiable 信息 we collect is securely stored within our database, 我们使用标准, 行业范围内的程序,如加密, firewalls and SSL (Secure Socket Layers) to protect 信息 we receive from visitors to the site. However, as effective as encryption technology is, no security system is impenetrable. 我们不能保证数据库的安全, nor can we guarantee that 信息 supplied by visitors to the site will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.


College of Saint Mary uses a processing company to process credit card transactions. 信用卡处理公司不保留, 分享, store or use personally identifiable 信息 for any secondary purposes.


Though College of Saint Mary makes every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal 信息 when we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, 在我们网站上送达的法院命令或法律程序.


如果我们的隐私政策发生变化, we will post changes at this URL to ensure that our users are always aware of the 信息 we collect, 我们如何使用它,在什么情况下使用, 如果有任何, 我们公开它. We will use 信息 in accordance with the privacy policy under which the 信息 was collected. Your continued use of this site shall be deemed as acceptance of the modified privacy statement.